Our Summer Course contains nine lessons and takes place during the summer holidays between a child's year 5 and year 6. In this course we revise the most important topics and we focus on exam technique. More marks are lost from bad technique than lack of knowledge, so it is worth working on.
The Summer Course is open to all - you don't need to have attended our Foundation Course. Many parents who have worked through the syllabus at home, send their children to our summer course to take advantage of our years of experience of the 11+. We've seen all of the mistakes and know most of the short-cuts and have put it all into the course.
We are offering the following classes (all for boys and girls unless otherwise stated):
S1 - Exam Technique. How to make the most of your time. How to avoid leaving lots of questions blank.
S2 - Maths: FDP. Fractions, decimals and percentages.
S3 - Maths: APA. Averages, probability and algebra.
S4 - Maths: Geometry. Area, volume, perimeter, angles, shapes etc.
S5 - Maths: Charts and Data Handling
S6 - Maths: Word Problems
S7 - Comprehension
S8 - English
S9 - Verbal Reasoning
S10 (BWS only) - Non-verbal Reasoning
You can order these classes using the booking form.