Our foundation course contains 30 lessons covering all of the main topics of the 11+ exam. We have a separate course for the CEM exam (mostly boys) and a course for the GL Assessment exam (mostly girls).
During lockdown, all of the courses moved online.
We've tried to make our course the most relaxed way to prepare for the 11+. A sensible amount of work that won't leave your child scarred for life. It runs from October to July of their Year 5. Over the summer we focus on mock exams and run a summer course focusing on revision and exam technique.
Following the great feedback on our videos during lockdown, everybody coming to face to face classes will also receive a copy of the lesson in video format.
There is a lot of pressure on children and parents with regards to the 11+. To try to alleviate this pressure, we will give you regular feedback on how your child is progressing. Very approximately, about 50% of children who sit the 11+ in Salisbury pass the exam. Any child that prepares for the 11+ either with a tutor or a parent probably has at least a 70% chance of passing. We normally have an even higher pass rate. Our course includes many short tests. If your child is regularly in the top 25% of these tests, then you can relax, they are doing really well. Even if they are regularly in the top half, you know things are looking good. If they are regularly in the bottom 25% then it is an early indication that all may not be well. However, one of the joys of this job is seeing students come on leaps and bounds during the course and we've learned to not to write anybody off.
We wouldn't work as hard as we do if it was just getting people to pass the 11+ who shouldn't. The main focus is making sure that those that should pass do so, but we welcome any student that enjoys the classes and benefits from them. The hardwork put in by children into preparing for the 11+ is never wasted. We often hear back from students who didn't pass the 11+ but are thriving at their new school. We also welcome students who don't even sit the exam, but parents have appreciated the progress of an older sibling or are looking at common entrance.
During lockdown, all of the courses moved online.
We've tried to make our course the most relaxed way to prepare for the 11+. A sensible amount of work that won't leave your child scarred for life. It runs from October to July of their Year 5. Over the summer we focus on mock exams and run a summer course focusing on revision and exam technique.
Following the great feedback on our videos during lockdown, everybody coming to face to face classes will also receive a copy of the lesson in video format.
There is a lot of pressure on children and parents with regards to the 11+. To try to alleviate this pressure, we will give you regular feedback on how your child is progressing. Very approximately, about 50% of children who sit the 11+ in Salisbury pass the exam. Any child that prepares for the 11+ either with a tutor or a parent probably has at least a 70% chance of passing. We normally have an even higher pass rate. Our course includes many short tests. If your child is regularly in the top 25% of these tests, then you can relax, they are doing really well. Even if they are regularly in the top half, you know things are looking good. If they are regularly in the bottom 25% then it is an early indication that all may not be well. However, one of the joys of this job is seeing students come on leaps and bounds during the course and we've learned to not to write anybody off.
We wouldn't work as hard as we do if it was just getting people to pass the 11+ who shouldn't. The main focus is making sure that those that should pass do so, but we welcome any student that enjoys the classes and benefits from them. The hardwork put in by children into preparing for the 11+ is never wasted. We often hear back from students who didn't pass the 11+ but are thriving at their new school. We also welcome students who don't even sit the exam, but parents have appreciated the progress of an older sibling or are looking at common entrance.